Private and Public Policy Reviews for the Disabled

The First to Go (Revised)

Selling coffee is an awful excuse for blocking disabled parking.

Home of the $12.99 Soda

As we waited in a long line to the front, I asked the person directing traffic if there were spots reserved for disabled people. She didn’t know. I asked the person taking my money. He didn’t know. I asked the person along the route to the parking area. He didn’t know.

California Travel Advice

If you are disabled and rely on a parking permit or placard in your state, I have some advice for you on traveling to California. Simply stated, it is: Don’t go! Well, that’s probably a little harsh, but I’m a little annoyed right now. 2 people like this post. Like Unlike

Parking Space Abuse

I went to the pharmacy today to pick up a prescription. I’ve been suffering from cellulitis after a leg injury. That on top of my usual osteoarthritis has made me need the parking spaces reserved for disabled people with mobility issues. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Piles of Shame

At the end of December of 2008, the Portland, Oregon area, where I live, experienced unusual amounts of snow. The whole area was buried. As a person with arthritis, back problems, and recovering from a dangerous leg wound, I wasn’t able to get around very well. Be the first to like. Like Unlike