Private and Public Policy Reviews for the Disabled

A Glowing Report

Glowing Greens is a blacklight miniature golf course in downtown Portland, Oregon. It’s in the basement of a building. The motif is pirate. You know you’re at the right place by the almost life-size pirate chained to the door outside. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Wal-mart – Wood Village, OR

I just returned from a trip to the Wal-Mart store in Wood Village, Oregon. I was there to pick up some prescriptions, including pain medication for my arthritis. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Applause for Regal Cinemas!

I have been skills training for more than six years, and know how difficult it is for my disabled friends and customers to access the movie theatres on their own: balance, low lighting, cognitive, and other issues.  They have the same desires as the rest of us to see their favorite movies! 2 people like […]